
Board of Directors Meetings for 2011

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
January 12, 2011
Attendance: (9 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassett, Fred Ruocco, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 8:44 PM.
New Applications:  Lion Paul; Gary and Mary Jo Tucker.  Lion Paul reviewed the applications with the club.  Dues have been paid. Lion Henry and Lion Annette are sponsoring the new members.  Lion Dick made a motion to accept the application, seconded by Lion Tom, all in favor, motion approved.  Induction will be at the next meeting.
Request for donations: 
NYS Lions Foundation 3 raffle tickets for $100 each. Participation will allow us to award the Uplinger Award to a member of our club.  Motion was made that the club purchase the tickets by Lion Tom, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor, motion passed. 
The DG raffle tickets were offered.  Four booklets were sold the other will be offered at the next meeting.  Lion Annette made a motion that if the remaining 6 booklets are not sold, that the club will purchase them.  Seconded by Lion Al, all in favor, motion passed. 
Lion Paul:  Peace Poster.  A peace poster kit needs to be purchased for approximately $12.  Lion Paul made a motion was made that the club purchase a kit, seconded by Lion Al, all in favor, motion passed.
Upcoming Programs and dates:
January 26th Dr., Anthone
February 9th Valentines Day Dinner
February 23 program:  Lion Tom will see if his speaker is available.
March 9: Ken Butkowski speaking on LCIF
March 23rd Merrtitons
April 11th Spaghetti Dinner
April 13th CNA presentation
April 27th Andrea Gregory will present on Ride for Roswell
 April 29-May 1 Convention
Lion Dick will have a report at the next board meeting regarding the amount of requests that have come to the club and the donations we have made thus far.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Fred, seconded by Lion Henry, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:10 PM 

Respectively submitted
by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
February 23, 2011
Attendance: (10 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassett, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 9:04 PM.
Miracle League Fundraiser – March 12 at the BLC
The nomination committee for 2011 needs to meet next month.  Lion Henry, Lion Paul, Lion Al and Lion Diane will serve on the committee.  No one volunteered to chair the committee, Lion Dave appointed Lion Henry as the chair.  The chair needs to host a meeting and provide a slate of prospective officers.  A slate will be presented at the March 9th meeting.
Lion Diane:  Merritons Lion who is also a member of the American Legion Post in NF, NY. announced that they will host their annual jamboree on Sunday April 10.  The club usually takes out an advertisement.  The cost is $25 for a ½ page ad.  The profits go to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Buffalo.
Merritons:  Lion Glenn let us know that Lion Brian Parkin passed away, services will be tomorrow.
Lion Paul:  Lion Paul inquired whether or not the club purchased tickets for the Uplinger award.  Lion Annette confirmed that yes we indeed have.  We have 3 years to use this award.  A committee needs to be formed.   Lion Dave will head the committee and have a meeting regarding on whether or not we will award Uplinger this year.
NYS and Bermuda Lions Foundation and Ray Wheeler Fund.  A matching fund at a maximum of $500.  We can partition this 2 times a year.  Lion Tom:  made a motion that he pursues a $500 matching grant through Ray Wheeler for ML, seconded by Lion Henry.  All in favor, motion passed.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Dick C., seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:19 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
March 30, 2011
Attending: Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette,  Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Mike Steinagel
Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by President Dave.
Treasurers Report –Dick Crawford. We are on target with expenses. Revenues are up due to the Tree Sale. Report  copies circulated.
Corresponding Secretary-Annette. We have DG Raffle tickets to wrap up. Motion made by Anne Fahning for the club  to purchase 5 books,2nd by Paul, Passed unanimously.
Kaegebein Elementary School has invited a member of our Club to participate in the Community Reading Day April 13. Dave will be reading with Mrs. Mitchell’s second grade class at 10:30 am.
Report from 20N Cabinet Meeting given by Dave. Items to note:
There will be no vote on redistricting at the Convention. All clubs had to vote Yes for this change to occur. One downstate club voted No.
Public Relations-the District has Magic Marketing (Brian Kahle) hired to do PR. This service is open to all the Clubs. Discussion held as to how we could use this .
President appointed a PR Committee which will work on policies. Committee members are; Dave  Henry, Mike, Al and Dick.  Dick will also send a press release to Brian for the Spaghetti Dinner.
State Convention is in Rochester April 28-May 01. The Club can send 4 delegates. We have 2 Dave and Tom Witkowski. Contact Dave if you would like to be a Delegate.
Dave reported that the Lobsterfest in Merritton is May 28. Contact him if you plan on going.
Committee Reports:
1. Miracle League –Mike reported that there is no information from LCIF at this time regarding the grant, Groundbreaking is April 15 at 2 pm.
2. Membership-Paul reported that the Club By-Laws state that the Membership chair follows as a board member essentially to be elected. This has not been the case. The Board agreed that for our club, Membership chairman would be a board position but not elected. As such the club president would appoint a chairman. Changes will be made to our charter to remove any ambiguity.
Motion made by Anne Fahning to make a change in the By-Laws to make the Membership Chair a position appointed by the President  2nd by Al Ackerman. Passed unanimously
3. Bon-ton Spring Sale- Annette Event  brought in  $515.59 thanks to Henry’s in-store selling. Thanks to all club members who participated.
4. Spaghetti Dinner-Dick. All is set to go. Road signs are going up this week. Volunteers are needed from 10:00 Am to clean-up at Holiday Inn on Monday April 11.Bakers are needed for baked goods. Annette will call Club members.
Motion to adjourn made by Henry, 2nd by Annette.
Respectfully Submitted, Annette Lobl
Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
April 27, 2011
Attendance: (12 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning, Norm Hahn, Mike Steinagel, Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 8:52 PM.
Publicity:  Lion Mike:  Lion Mike has been working with a friend and associate that specializes in this field.  This person will give us advice on making the most of our media press releases.  We need a chairman of the media committee, the president and 2 members at large.  If we have the facts in a press release format this would help us share information accurately with our community.  This year our committee is Lion Paul, Lion Al, Lion Dick C, Lion Henry and Lion Dave.  Publicity of small events can be coordinated through e mail.  There is media advice and coordination through the district with the help of Brian Kahl’s business.
Perhaps we need to have publicity in regards to the LCIF $75k standard grant.  LDG Gary will be making an announcement at the state convention. Perhaps the club could consider sponsoring a team, however, this would be a yearly commitment.
There are 3 other grants for Miracle League, 1 through Bermuda Lions, Brandell Murphy Foundation, Ray Wheeler Foundation ($500 matching)  Lion Tom will be working on this.
Ride for Roswell:  Lion Mike made a motion that LP Dave be the captain of a team for the ride on Grand Island.  Seconded by Lion Henry.  All in favor, motion passed.
Journey for Sight:  Journey for Sight with benefit Chautauqua based charities, Special Needs Adult Program and a few others.  We need to check the budget.  Lion Tom made a motion that the club contribute $150 for the Journey for Sight.  Seconded by Lion Anne.  All in favor.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Anne, seconded by Lion Fred, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:27 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
May 25, 2011
Attendance: (12 in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Henry Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning, Fred Ruocco, Dick Crawford,  Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM.
Fundraiser for DG Burkwit:  The Club will buy the tickets for the drawing for the vest fundraiser for DG Clancy Burkwit.  We will buy 15 tickets at $2 each.  If we win we can raffle off the vest.
Journey for Sight:  The club needs to forward the $150 check.
Lion Tom W:  Lion Tom has scrap for a scrap metal run.  Lion Tom and Lion Dave will take a load on Saturday.
Lion Jerry will get the information regarding the Vegas night at the KOC.  Lion Jerry will get information to Lion Brooks for the newsletter.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Jerry, seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:08 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
June 22, 2011
Attendance: ( in attendance) Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford,  Donna Lavallee.
Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:11 PM.
4th of July parade:  Tom DeCarlo will not be able to be here this year.  Dick C. will contact Linda Tuffelero to make sure everything is in order.  Donna will find someone to be in the costume.  The cars need a description to be announced at the parade.  Lion Brian will get the magnets made. 
We received a resignation letter from Lion Floyd Doring.
We received a thank you not from Nancy Wheeler for the supplies from the loan closet.
The loan closet has 2 scooters that were donated, both are operational.
Miracle League - The document was received regarding distribution of the funds from the district.  ML will be selling tickets for the car to be raffled off from Fucillo Chevrolet, the goal is to sell 5000 tickets.  Opportunities to volunteer to sell tickets will be announced.  Maybe we could sell tickets at the Special Kids Picnic.  Marla Crawford is coordinating a volunteer schedule.  The field has been started.
 Fundraiser for DG Clancy Burkwitz will be on August 6th.  The event is  a pigroast and roasting.
Lion Diane – Has gotten notification the someone is interested in giving some money for the SKP, he will be invited to the picnic.
Ride for Roswell is on our website.  Password is ***** (email Lion Dave).  Register on our website.
KOC – Vegas Night – pre sale tickets for $9 (See Lion Jerry).  The date is 7/16, dinner is from 4:30-7:00 gaming is from 6:00-9:00PM  Members are asked to support this event.
Lion Anne – took over the meeting.
LP Anne handed out VP committee assignments as she remembers.  Bon ton and Christmas Trees need to be added to the list.  The list will be clarified at the July meeting, then sent out to members.  We do not have anyone for programs. We will try to fill in with ideas from active members.
Website and newsletter will be taken over by Lion Dave.
The next board meeting is July 27th at 7 PM at LP Anne’s house 2186 East River.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Dave, seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Location: Lion Anne Fahning and Partner-In-Service Bob’s boat
Attendees: Lions Brooks Rimes, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Diane Dubiel, Gerry Dubiel (non-board member), Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski (acting Secretary)
With the quorum met, the meeting commenced at 7:12 pm
1. Discussion about Couples’ Picnic about where one couple did not attend though they said they would. Though there was enough food and drink, it was generally felt and approved (7 yeas, 1 abstention) that picnics in following years must be prepaid and that a couple may cancel out no less than five days before the event. 
Special Kids’ Picnic:
a. Lion Dave C reported a $312.00 expenditure on items for the picnic. Tops gave us $50.00 toward the purchase of ice. The total costs would be presented at the next board meeting.
b. News releases were sent to Brian Kahle of Magic Marketing, which serves as the district’s interests in disseminating news releases.
The volunteers at the boat docks were advised that a life ring/preserver should be on hand and that all riders be wearing life vests. Lion Anne F said she would supply them.
Too much food was given out at one time. Case in point was the bus drivers who wanted two or three hotdogs at once instead of one at a time. The children must be supplied first to ensure ample supply of food.
Tom W was requested to obtain a receipt from the wildlife sanctuary for the horse and ponies (re: Sandy Pfohl, 574-0359). Note: left message to send receipt to Lion Dick C. 7/28/11. Tom W received approval to look into getting the sanctuary’s petting zoo for the 2012 picnic with approval from Buffalo Launch Club.
3. Committee and Chair assignments were discussed:
Blind and Charity: added Lion Norm Hahn as member.
Budget: Lions Al A and Gerry D added as members.
Basket Auction: Lion Brook R added as member.
Diabetes Screening: Lion Mary Jo Tucker added as member
Members Picnic: outgoing president will chair.
Membership: Chair and committee needed 
Nominating: Lion Al A added as member.
Peace Poster: Lions Diane D and Brooks R added as members.
Program: open to all members to solicit speakers.
Publicity: Lion Henry Lobl to replace Lion Annette as member; Lions Al A and Dick C added as members.
Scholarship: Lion Brooks R added as member.
Valentine’s Day party: Lion Brooks R will replace Lion Fred Ruocco.
At first meeting in September, other committee assignments will be forthcoming.
4. Menus need to be reviewed with Holiday Inn and Buffalo Launch Club.
5. Lion Treasurer Dick C report:
 a.Welfare (charitable giving):  $11,526.20
 b.General (administrative/club expenses): $  3,011.74
 c.Pollock/Kaiser Scholarship fund: $  1,587.76
Budget Committee should meet a minimum of three times per year.
6. Board accepted resignations of Floyd Doring and John MacNeil.
7. Correspondence:
$10.00 check received from individual needing a wheelchair.
Signed thank you poster received from special kids at HANSI. 
Received information from Play FORE Camp Badger.  
Wings Flights of Hope picnic announcement: 9/17/11 at Hamburg Fairgrounds; tix $30 in advance, $35 at door.
The Knights of Columbus donated $200.00 from their Chicken Dinner/Vegas Night fundraiser.
Rotary/Lions Picnic announcement from Gary Roesch to be held tentatively August 24. All members will be contacted by email. Lion Dick C will act as liaison. 
8. Lion Tom W handed over $156.00 check from recent scrap run proceeds. Aluminum from Lion Tom’s employer goes to Wings Flights of Hope; all other metal is given to the club.
9. Lion Tom motioned approval for $25.00 for hole club sponsor for District Golf Tournament. Seconded by Lion Dick C. Passed.
10. Motion for hole sponsorship for Play FORE Gold Tournament at Bristol Harbour will be made at August board meeting.
11. Other than Lion Tom W, there will be no attendees as the district’s Leadership Forum, due to previous engagements, past attendance, and commitments.
12. Next board meeting: 8/31, Lion Anne F boat, 7pm.
13. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Tom Witkowski
Acting Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting August 31, 2011
Attendance:  ( in attendance)  Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky, Al Ackerman,  Tom Witkowski,  Dick Crawford,  Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee
Lion President Anne called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Presidents Report.
Lion Anne received 2 tickets for Angel Wings fundraiser. Discussion held.Motion made by Al Ackerman to purchase 2 tickets at $30 each. 2nd by Paul Bassette. Passed unanimously
Mr. and Mrs. Trinko have applied for. membership. Mr. Trinko is a life member. His wife would be new. Discussion held.
Motion made by Lion Henry to investigate verification of Life membership and any fees associated with it. 2nd by Dave.
Lion Dave Chervinsky requested that a supply of bond paper for the members books be purchased for the cost of $28.25.
Motion made by Henry Lobl, 2nd by Tom Witkowski. Passed unanimously.
 Bon Ton. The club will again be participating in community days.
Motion made by Henry to have monies donated by members only from Bon Ton be placed in general funds.
Discussion held. Motion 2nd. by Shelia Passed. Unanimously.
Miracle League.  Mike Steinagel/Tom Witkowski
 There is a wish list that the Miracle Board has for items such as scoreboard etc. In addition the field floor has a warranty for 12 years.  At the meeting the League discussed the feasibility of allowing the Logo to be up for grabs for $75,000 for naming rights when the field needs replacement.  Neither Mike nor Tom had any definitive answers regarding what was agreed upon with the current Lions logo. The Board had a number of questions.
Tom was given the directive to have these questions answered.
The whole discussion was tabled until this information is obtained.
Budget- Dick Crawford presented the 2011-2012 budget. Discussion was held. However, budget approval was tabled until answers are obtained regarding the Miracle League issues.
Miracle League:  Opening day was 8/20/11.  There are additional items needed.  Lion Dick will look into the Club purchasing a scoreboard that would cost approximately $3000.  This will be discussed at the first meeting. 
CROP Walk:  Lion Tom spoke about the Island CROP walk that will occur on Sunday September 25, 2011 at 1 PM.  Lion Tom would like the GI Lions club to sponsor the cost of the shelter at Beaver Island.  He requested that the GI Lions donate $200, $85 for the cost of the shelter and the remainder of the money to be donated for CROP Walk.  The Club already gives $100 annually to the neighbor’s foundation.  The event will try to have more community involvement and make it a larger community event.  The monies raised from CROP walk goes to the neighbor's foundation on GI, the UMC food bank and the Christian world services.  Discussion; the topic was tabled for now.  Lion Tom will get additional information from Henry Kammerer.  We will discuss this at the first meeting.
Global Membership Team (GMT) Lion Tom is a GMT coordinator for district 20 N.  All members will get a form regarding their involvement in their club and why the individual is a Lion.  The information will be forwarded to each club for review.  This will help us determine why clubs are losing membership.  Members will be getting a survey in the mail.
Committee Reports:
Lion Paul Bassette: 
· Scholarships:  Lion Paul received thank you notes from all of the scholarship award.   Katie Rustowicz has yet to indicate the college she is attending.  The other checks have been sent out. 
· Melvin Jones:  An anonymous donor is giving a $1000/year to LCIF.  This would continue for the life of the donor.  The donor has elected to use this $1000 credit to be given to the GI Lions Club.  This could be used to award a Melvin Jones Award each year.  This donor would like 3 out of the 4 years the award be given to a person in the GI community that has exhibited humanitarian efforts in our community.  Lion Paul suggested that the Robert J. Uplinger committee select the recipient.  This would begin the 2011-2012 club year.  Lion Henry: A motion was made to accept this proposal, and the committee should search for Lion Club member the first year.  Seconded by Lion Tom, all in favor, motion passed.  Lion Dick suggested that there may times when our club may decide to award a second Melvin Jones.
Our club has $359.59 credit in LCIF towards a Melvin Jones award.
Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Shelia
 ·Akron Lions Club October 1, 2011.  Steak Roast Fundraiser.
 ·MD 20 Lions Leadership Institute in Syracuse October 13-15, 2011
 ·Sight first 2 donations received of $76.92 for our sponsorship of the event.
Membership:  Lion Annette:  Lion Annette will hand out the membership cards at the first meeting to reduce cost, or members may elect to have it mailed if they send Lion Annette a self addressed stamped envelope.
Lion Anne:  Discussion about opening day of Miracle League on September 11, 2011.  Anne suggested that we have a press release ready regarding the history of the inception of Miracle League and the GI Lions club involvement.  Lion Mike is still the liaison for our club but is not officially on the Miracle League board.  Lion Tom will find out how many members are on the board, when their meeting are, the limits of the board members term, possibility of new members of their board of directors.  Lion Tom indicated that LCIF needs to report back on the progression of the project.  Lion Tom will work on this with Lion Mike.  Lion Paul stated that Amherst Lions and Lancaster has given funds, thank you should be put in the DG newsletter.  Lion Dave as a member of the communications committee will look into the best way to thank contributing clubs and publishing the opening of the field.
6 Lions were there on opening day to sell 50/50 raffle tickets. $250 was given to Miracle League from the raffle.
Items for discussion:
 ·The DG visit will be on December 14, 2011, which will be our Christmas party; if he wants to formally address the club he should pick a different day.  He could bring his wife if he decides to come to the party.
New Business:
Lion Henry:  The club has given money to the SPCA on September 10, 2011 the SPCA will host “Paws in the Park” Lion Henry and Lion Annette will be attending. Paws in the Park, they are looking for donations from individuals.
September 11, 2011 - Opening Day of Miracle League, the club will probably be asked to sell 50/50 tickets.  There will be a dedication.  Members should be there at noon, wearing the black shirts and vests.  Game will begin at 2:00 PM.
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Shelia meeting adjourned 8:24PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting  September 28, 2011
Attendance: (1 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Tom Witkowski, Mike Steinagel, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino.
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 9: 11 PM.
Cabinet Meeting:  Christmas for Kids, information will be forthcoming.  Seed Program for the vision screening funding has been depleting.  Therefore each club is asked to fund $250.  Lion Tom would like our club to take the lead and a motion was made to cover the administrative costs of $250, and an additional $250 to purchase film for the camera.  Seconded by Mike Steinagel.  Discussion; Lion Henry would like to see a budget.  The money would come out of the general fund.  Our club has approximately $2000 in the general fund.  Lion Dick suggested that the district make clubs aware that this funding should be budgeted for.  Lion Tom will provide a budget at the next meeting.  The motion was tabled until a review of the budget.  Ray Wheeler fund, letter will go out to clubs in Nov.  The request for funding will be .50 cents per member. 

Lion Mark Trinko would be willing to be nominated for an appointment in the cabinet.

Miracle League:  Everything is pretty much wrapped up.  Every 45 days a report needed to be submitted to LCIF.  The first and only report was just filed as all documentation has been taken care of.  The entire project was completed in just about 1 year.  The scoreboard project is up in the air.  The cost of the scoreboard is now approximately $10k.  Our original consideration was funding $3000 from our club and $3000 from another organization.  Discussion was had regarding the GI club becoming over committed.  Lion Mike stressed that the district is also in this commitment.  If all clubs in the district commit to $142/year over 10 years, would total approximately $75,000 in 10 years time.  This figure may be the cost of new field.  The district may begin discussing a long-term commitment to maintain the visibility of the LCIF logo on the field.  There will be a contractual discussion with ML regarding replacement costs for field, maintenance etc.  Our club will come up with language regarding the earmarking of funds that may or may not be collected.  Lion Henry made a motion that we earmark $3000 for the scoreboard or nothing or partnering with another organization.  Seconded by Lion Paul.  Subject to further review of the overall design.  All in favor, motion passed.
Merrittons meeting:  To raise the extra money would have a raffle to raise the extra money.   Donna, Anne and Henry will bring cookies.  Jerry will bring in coffee.  Members will bring gifts to raffle.

Community Days:  Lion Henry reports that he noticed that Wendy’s offer a community fundraiser.  Henry will look into this.

Dues for Membership:  We need to get the dues set for life members and family discount for Lion Mark and Lion Christina.  Local club and district dues are collected for Lion Mark; we do not need to pay LCIF dues, as Lion Mark is a life member.  Lion Christina will pay local, district and LCIF dues.  Lion Shelia will generate a bill for the Trinkos.

Lion Tom presented the club with a check for $350 for the scrap money.  Lion Annette made a motion that the money raised from scrap goes into the administrative fund.  Seconded by Lion Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Motion to adjourn Lion Henry, seconded Lion Paul, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:56 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Meeting convened at 9:05 PM. Members present were Lions Anne Fahning, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Al Ackerman, Henry and Annette Lobl, Jerry and Diane Dubiel, Shelia, and Mike Steinagel. 
MIRACLE LEAGUE - Lion Crawford stated there is a hold on the scoreboard due to increasing costs and desires of the League board.  He also stated that the Town of Grand Island has requested a $10,000/per year escrow account from the league. Lion Steinagel reported that LCIF’s requests have been satisfied and have now closed our grant.  He also stated that a long-term commitment by the lions Clubs of District 20N will be presented so that when it is time to replace the playing surface (in 10 years), that we retain our presence. The commitment will request each club to donate $143.00 per year for the nest 10 years. Lion Steinagel offered to prepare a presentation at a future District MD-20 Cabinet Meeting, seeking support of all District Clubs for an annual donation.   Lion Fahning reported that IPDG Gary Carini purchased a tree with accompanying plaque for $500 along with a $150.00 paver. Lion (not recorded) will investigate costs to install a plastic lion to cover the water fountain.
UPLINGER AWARD - our club has two awards available for presentation within the next three years.  The Awards Committee is to meet, with Lion Paul Bassette clarifying the parameters of the $1000 annual donation received from an anonymous donor.  Lion Annette requested that Lion Paul be asked to do a presentation at a future club meeting, explaining the criteria for the Uplinger and Melvin Jones awards, as well as life membership criteria.
2ND VICE-DISTRICT GOVERNOR NOMINATION - Lion Tom, as Club liaison to District 20N, was requested to ask for our Board approval to nominate Lion Mike Lakowski [Lancaster Lions Club], for First Vice-President of MD-20. The appointment would be effective in January 2012, to fill a vacancy at that level. [It was noted that Lion Mark Trinko had expressed an interest in this position, also.]  After discussion, Lion Henry moved and Lion Shelia seconded, a motion to so approve the nomination for Lion Mike Lakowski.  [It was based on Lion Mike’s long-standing involvement with his local club and District MD-20.]  The motion was approved. 
PUBLIC RELATIONS - Lion Steinagel motioned we set up an account with LinkedIn, a professional networking website, as an avenue to spread the word about our club. Motion passed. Lion Chervinsky also suggested that he would set up a Facebook account to accomplish the same thing but on a more personal level with member’s friends. Motion passed. Lions Dubiels will supply the information regarding our upcoming Christmas tree sales to Lion Steinagel.
CHRISTMAS TREE FUNDRAISER - The Board decided to include promotional materials at the sales site for the Christmas Trees.  These can include membership brochures, eyeglass collection boxes, etc.  The Board agreed this would be an excellent forum to promote Lionism.  Details will be discussed at a Committee meeting, chaired by Lion Jerry.
Lion Henry moved to send a $100 donation to the Legal Services for the Elderly and Disabled. [Our guest speaker at our general meeting had described the services available.]  The motion was seconded and approved, after assurance from Club Treasurer Lion Dick Crawford that funds are available.
Lion Anne advised the next Board Meeting will be on November 9th, 2011, following our general meeting. 
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded; meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
*Combined minutes submitted by
Lions Diane Dubiel and Tom Witkowski

Grand Island Lions ClubBoard of Directors Meeting
November 09, 2011
Attendance: (16 in attendance) Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette,  Donna Lavallee, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel,  Tom Witkowski,  Mike Steinagel, Al Ackerman, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Dan Morobito Guest Eduardo Payan.
Lion President Anne Fahning called the meeting to order at 8:40 PM.
Lion Paul: 
Melvin Jones/ Robert J. Uplinger Awards.  2 awards are to be presented by 05/12/14.  The anonymous donor of the Melvin Jones results in a total of  3 wards to be given out prior to 2014.  We did approve the additional donor award would go to a community organization 3 out of 4 times at the board meeting in August.  Lion Paul recommends that the Melvin Jones/Uplinger committee decide on the recipient.  This would keep the award a special recognition.  There was discussion on whether or not there was a motion in regards how this Melvin Jones would be awarded in the September 2011 meeting.  A motion was not found.  It should be noted that the award will actually be coming from LCIF via this donor.  Lion Paul read how the Melvin Jones award was established and how each club derives on the acknowledgment of recipients chosen.  Lion Paul clarified the guidelines for the Robert j Uplinger award.  The RJU award is the individual club donating $250 to the NYS Bermuda Lions in order to present the RJ Uplinger award. Discussion was had on trying to determine if there is a worthy Lion of our club to receive the award, if not the committee will then seek worthy members of the local community.
Board of Directors:  Question on whether or not Lion Al Ackerman can serve as a board member in addition to a member of the board as a Lion Tamer.  Lion Al will not vote twice.
Dr. Ann Stadelmaier:  Review of the clubs that have participated in AES Hearing Aid fund.  There have been 33 clubs in the district who have contributed.  Lion Paul was surprised that we have yet to contribute.  Lion Donna reviewed the process that recipients of the Hearing Aid Fund are  screened and selected.  As to why our club has yet to participate; may be that we simply have not had the opportunity.  Lion Donna stated that the AES hearing aid fund would gladly accept a donation from our club.
Motion to adjourn Lion Henry, seconded Lion Paul, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:12 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
